May 3, 2010

{Wedding Rules or Choices?}

Dear Bride-to-Be:
Are you giving wedding favours to your guests? It's always a lovely gesture, but do remember: like so many ideas used for wedding ceremonies that became a custom over the years—it’s not a “rule.”

It helps to know that you are at choice in the matter regarding your wedding. Learn about old customs and new ideas, and then choose for yourself. What wedding traditions or rituals truly express you—your spirit and your budget?

The giving of favours has its roots in ancient superstitious cultures as tokens of good luck, but wedding favours became popular again in modern times only in the last couple of decades when weddings became big business. So don’t get lost in the business of weddings; make choices from your heart!

And remember, after the wedding, you’re just as married whether you gave favours or not to your wedding guests! A heart-felt “thank you”—with an embrace, or kiss on the cheek, or hand shake—can be the best gift of all.

Love. Listen. Let go.
....with love from Cornelia

ps: I love to share origin myths for wedding customs and rituals so you can enjoy the stories of history, then choose for yourself what ideas and traditions serve you! So stay tuned for my next LETTERS TO A BRIDE blog post for some intriguing stories about those wedding favours!)

[Photograph: Jason Hudson]

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